Mii Editor Blog

Status and information on the development of the Mii Editor on MiiEditor.com

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

FAQ Created, Updated

Recently I added a Frequently Asked Questions section to MiiEditor.com. It's far from complete, but I just added a new Q&A regarding using the Mii Editor on the Wii. Can you? The answer is no. The Wii's opera browser uses Flash Player 7 while the Mii Editor uses 9. I had no intentions maintaining Wii browser compatibility going into this and there's only a small chance I might make a Wii version. Why would you need to if the Wii has it's own editor? (OK, well I can think of a few reasons but 90% of the features my Mii Editor uses won't work on Flash 7 so it seemed mostly pointless).

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Hats now visible; Eyes, Eyebrows: "better"

Added a few tweaks to the character rendering. First is the inclusion of hats. Before, they were just hair, then they weren't at all, and now they're fully there and taking on the color of the Mii's favorite color.

Also updated are the eyes and eyebrows. Though still not perfect, they are being rotated with a little more accuracy now.

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"Classic" GUI Preview

Lately I've been working on the classic GUI for the editor. This is the interface that mimics the Wii interface. Eventually an alternate interface (though similar in look and feel) will be provided as well Though it's nothing you haven't seen before, here is a preview of the Classic Mii Editor Interface. Some things have changed, but for the most part, its about the same.

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Hair Updates

I've made some updates to the hair. Most of the empty space seen before should now be gone (If you still see it, you may need to clear your cache). A few of the hair styles also have some highlighting applied, though most of the styles are still pretty flat. I'll finnish those soon then probably begin working on on more positioning tweaking.

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AJ's Mii Editor

Just noticed a new Mii Editor out there called AJ's Mii Editor. Like Wii M!! Editor, AJ's Mii Editor is a Window's program (well, .NET - untested under Mono) providing access to all a Mii's properties allowing you to load and save Mii binaries to and from your hard drive.



The Mii Editor allows you to import and export Mii data as XML. You can also view and edit a Mii's XML directly within the Mii Editor window. Currently, this is the only way to edit Miis created by or loaded into the editor.

Use the Show XML to load the XML data from the current Mii into the XML editing pane. Edit the values as needed keeping them within the ranges indicated by the min, max, and maxChars attributes. When finished, click on the Read XML button to save the changes and update the Mii character in the editor.

Note: The XML format is subject to change as the Mii Editor is developed further.

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Mii Editor Alpha

Currently, the Mii Editor can be used in Alpha form. This means that its still in the early stages of development but can still be used for limited functionality.



Mii Editor Blog

This is the blog for the online Mii Editor available at http://www.miieditor.com. I noticed that there are a couple of other Mii editing projects in the works that have blogger blogs, so I thought I'd join in.

Related projects:

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