Mii Editor Blog

Status and information on the development of the Mii Editor on MiiEditor.com

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Another Mii Editor Update

This latest update focuses some on character rendering. There are also some enhancements to the downloadable version including drag-drop support and file association of .mii files with the editor so opening a .mii file will open the editor showing that character.

Additionally, and this was something that was lost since very, very early versions of the editor, Mii Editor will now remember your last Mii and reload it when you go back to the editor later.

Probably one of the more noticable visual improvements is pants color. Admittedly, I mistakenly made the mingle option show a favorite pants color (red) when mingle does not affect the pants color at all (I was just excited just to have pants ;). New pants colors are based off of David Hawley's Mii pants observations. To be honest, I am not entirely sure how accurate these are (I tried to get gold pants on the Wii from this but could not) so it may take some tweeking to nail down... and who knows, maybe the Mii Editor isn't interpretting the Mii id's correctly on its end.

Also special thanks to miicharacters.com (and as always miiplaza.net) for providing me with some mii files with screenshots to do some comparisons with.

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I've been able to use my editor to get Gold-pantsed Miis... weird that you haven't been able to get it working; I'll try doing a comparison later if this hasn't been fixed already. :s

-AJ 187
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